Glossary of Terms
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There are a number of major markets in which computer imprintable labels require certain constructions and materials. Some of them include:
Warehouse and Retail Price Mark Labels: This label application requires adherence on many different surfaces. Inform your IndiLabel salesperson when requesting this type of label to ensure the proper selection of materials and adhesives for effective use.
Automotive Industry: The Automotive Industry Action Group, or AIAG, has developed a coding and labeling system requiring specialized labels and tags for use by sub-assembly vendors. IndiLabel has the most complete package of in-stock, AIAG labels, - over 20 items. Promotional sales literature and samples are available via email right here.
Hospital Labels: These labels may be applied to severely curved surfaces like test tubes, vials,and concave shelf ends. They are also exposed to extremes in temperature and moisture.
Thermal Transfer: As one of today's fastest-growing markets, thermal transfer labels offer profitable opportunities due to advances in printer technology and innovations in software. IndiLabel is at the forefront of this high-volume market and offers the technical expertise and support to enhance your success.